This store accepts payments and orders in Euro (EUR). If you prefer to pay in Polish złoty (PLN), please click here! Festival 2024 – EUR Store

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Terminal Kultury Gocław
Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego 24,
03-982 Warsaw, Poland

When does the event happen?
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Festival tickets

This year we offer 3 types of tickets. Regular, Solidarity and Reduced.

If you live in a prosperous country or are financially in a comfortable position in life, please think about choosing the Solidarity Ticket.

Apart from the initial amount of Reduced tickets we will add one for every Solidarity ticket sold.

If you cannot afford the Regular Ticket please feel free to purchase the Reduced variant, no questions asked – we do not require any proof of income or status. All the ticket types will allow the ticket holder to access all the festival events.

If the Reduced Ticket is still too expensive for you, but you would like to attend the festival please do not hesitate to contact us about our volunteer program.

For calculating your Solidarity Ticket price you can check the average wages in EU in this article:

Festival ticket (regular price)

Festival ticket (regular price)

Regular festival entrance fee


Festival ticket (solidarity price)

Festival ticket (solidarity price)

If you can spare some money, please consider buying a solidarity ticket. Every one of these gives someone else with little money to spend the opportunity to attend the festival with a reduced ticket.
The recommended solidarity price is €180, but you can choose any amount from €155 onwards. Additional money (not consumed by reduced tickets) will be used to cover the costs of the festival and to pay our musicians fairly.

Festival ticket (reduced price)

Festival ticket (reduced price)

Choose this if you cannot afford the regular ticket price. If it's "sold out", sign up for the waiting list! More reduced tickets will become available when other people buy solidarity tickets! You will then get the option to order the ticket, when it's your turn on the waiting list.


Daypass Friday

Daypass Friday

One-day ticket for the Festival: Friday
The ticket entitles you to all events on one festival day, from workshops, through concerts, to sessions.


Daypass Saturday

Daypass Saturday

One-day ticket for the Festival: Saturday
The ticket entitles you to all events on one festival day, from workshops, through concerts, to sessions.


Daypass Sunday

Daypass Sunday

One-day ticket for the Festival: Sunday
The ticket entitles you to all events on one festival day, from workshops, through concerts, to sessions.


Festival Merchandise

Festival T-Shirt

Festival T-Shirt

Festival T-shirt, size table
Order a T-shirt here to make sure to get one in your size.


Festival Cup

Festival Cup

Festival Cup, 330ml.
Dishwasher safe.


Festival Poster

Festival Poster

Festival poster in A3 format, printed on high quality paper.
297 × 420 mm


Festival Button

Festival Button

Button with the festival logo, 32mm

Festival Sticker

Festival Sticker

Festival Sticker, suitable to put on (almost) any surface! Your Laptop, car, violin case, wherever you want!
Dimensions: 70x70mm

Support the festival!

Support the festival

Support the festival

Support the festival by contributing to the organiser - Fundacja Promocji Kultury Chodź Tańczyć*

*Polish for: "Come on and Dance" Foundation for Promoting Culture

More information